Francin – Flexible Beauty

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4 Comments so far

  1. PETE on October 26, 2010 3:17 pm

    Very pretty—if you were here I would tear it up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Everett on October 27, 2010 5:15 pm

    Francin (or Francine A) is lovely and natural. I love gorgeous women with hairy pussies and hairy armpits – to me, they tend to look more sexually appetizing than shaven women.

  3. lover on November 6, 2010 6:47 am

    to die for i wish i could suck her nipples forever

  4. Gord on January 5, 2011 4:26 pm

    This is obviously a 2-3 photo shoot compliation with a trim in between. The ornate door one was not good. A few shots were great. If you like a crop of…well you get my point. I gather this is a very European look.

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