Generalissimo Tony the Only on November 24, 2014 7:54 pm
Don’t like splayed flaps.
shotgun on December 8, 2014 3:12 am
If I knew what “splayed flaps” were, I’d probably agree with you, Tony. It isn’t like I’d kick her out of bed, as she definitely isn’t ugly, but perhaps, just not my type.
Generalissimo Tony the Only on December 11, 2014 10:37 am
Come on shotgun, you are a man of discernment – splayed flaps are when a chickie deliberately holds her majoras and minoras open particularly with their fingers. Not a good look and hardly erotic.
Espanorama on December 13, 2014 8:13 pm
This woman is to my liking. She has all I like in a woman.
Don’t like splayed flaps.
If I knew what “splayed flaps” were, I’d probably agree with you, Tony. It isn’t like I’d kick her out of bed, as she definitely isn’t ugly, but perhaps, just not my type.
Come on shotgun, you are a man of discernment – splayed flaps are when a chickie deliberately holds her majoras and minoras open particularly with their fingers. Not a good look and hardly erotic.
This woman is to my liking. She has all I like in a woman.
Like tits and a pussy Espanorama?
if you look really close you can see your dessert