Hot Blonde Hitchhiker

Who can drive past this super sexy topless hitchhiker? It would be a dream cum true for such a hot busty blonde to stand in your way wearing just her ripped skinny jeans and high heels. But what about some road striptease? Well, hurry up to get your front seat ticket ‘cuz she’s about to start. She will teasingly unzip her pants to show she’s wearing nothing underneath them, and then she will turn around sliding her jeans just a bit off her smoking hot buttocks. Finally, she will push her pants down to her knees and even lower before taking them off completely… Are you still good to drive?
Hot Blonde Hitchhiker

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15 Comments so far

  1. tony on March 23, 2012 11:08 pm

    This is a wasted opportunity.

  2. tonguewaver on March 24, 2012 6:11 pm

    Id pick her up…

  3. bob on March 24, 2012 8:26 pm

    she is a stunner i want her

  4. Barry Brigger on April 6, 2012 4:46 pm

    She brings hitchhiking to a whole new level. I’m 100% sure I would pick her up and set her down if you know what I mean. Thank you

  5. feri on April 14, 2012 8:25 pm

    u are very sexi and beautifull

  6. beauty on May 6, 2012 4:12 am

    Look her nipples i wants drink it
    i will hook u

  7. Wow on June 8, 2012 4:38 pm

    Beautiful, pretty breast, nice face y good body

  8. carlos 57 on September 20, 2012 6:43 am

    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Que época tan maravillosa cuando había chicas así haciendo autoestop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Brockie on September 25, 2012 11:17 am

    I reckon she is a strumpet.

  10. Ron on October 18, 2012 3:03 pm

    Once again beautiful sexy woman the photographer just had a bad day.

  11. Johnno on June 27, 2013 9:32 pm

    I reckon she is a U – Fa!

  12. Brockie on December 10, 2013 9:32 pm

    What is a U-Fa?

  13. Johnno on January 8, 2014 11:56 am

    U for ugly Brockie. This tart is a waste of space.

  14. Paul January 24,2014 on January 25, 2014 3:10 am

    would love to play with your breasts and get my penis in you.

  15. gary on May 29, 2016 11:47 pm

    Boy if I saw her on the side of the road looking like that,wouldn’t have a problem picking that up doing anything she wanted.Would love her till the day I die.

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